• The name of the Schools and addresses are as follows:




  • The objective of the Schools is to provide quality and affordable special education to children with autism to help them develop to the best of their potential so as to be able to live a life that is meaningful and with dignity.



  • The Autism Association (Singapore), a society registered under the Societies Act (Cap 311), shall appoint a governing body called the School Management Committee for the 2 Schools.
  • The School Management Committee shall comprise:
  • Up to 5 members nominated by Autism Association (Singapore) unless otherwise approved in writing by the Director-General of Education
    • Principal of the Schools
    • Executive Director of Autism Association (Singapore)
    • A member nominated by the Ministry of Education and/or the National Council of Social Service
    • A representative from the Ministry of Education
  • There shall be a wide and broad representation of stakeholders, professionals and the community in the School Management Committee. The appointment of the member of the School Management Committee shall be subject to the approval of the Director-General of Education.
  • Amongst the members nominated, up to 2 shall be parents of students in the Schools.
  • The representative from the Ministry of Education and members who are parents of students in the Schools shall not be office bearers in the School Management Committee unless approved by the Director-General of Education. Employees of Autism Association (Singapore) shall not be eligible to serve on the School Management Committee except for the Principal of the School and the Executive Director of Autism Association (Singapore). Where the School Management Committee operates more than one school, the Principals of all the Schools shall be members of the School Management Committee which may be enlarged proportionately to accommodate the Principals.
  • The following Office Bearers shall be appointed from amongst the members of the School Management Committee:
    • Chairman
    • Supervisor
    • Honorary Treasurer
    • Secretary, who shall be one of the Principals of the Schools
  • The Chairman may concurrently be the Supervisor. The member appointed as the Supervisor shall possess a well-regarded track record in a supervisory/managerial role in any agency, has contributed to the community or society and has interest in the education of children with special needs.



  • Each term of office of the School Management Committee shall be for a period of two years.
  • The Honorary Treasurer shall have a limit of two consecutive terms. Further re-appointment to the position shall be after a lapse of at least one term.



  • The School Management Committee shall operate according to the Education Act (Cap 87) and the Education (Schools) Regulations.
  • The School Management Committee shall ensure that the Schools is governed and managed responsibly and prudently and act in the best interest of the students and the Schools.
  • The functions and duties of the School Management Committee are as follows:
    • to exercise power and authority over the general management, operational policies and directions for the Schools in accordance with policies set by the Ministry of Education and SG Enable for:
    • the effective management of the Schools, including but not limited to all aspects pertaining to the financial matters, human resource management matters and property matters involving all existing and new buildings, facilities and infrastructure of the Schools; and
    • the education and well-being of the students of the Schools.
    • to determine the policy for the admission of students to the Schools consistent with such guidelines as may be set by the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Social Service from time to time.
    • to provide educational facilities and other amenities for the students of the Schools, and to manage and operate the Schools' facilities including the construction of such facilities and infrastructure, as may be required by the Schools from time to time.




  • The Chairman shall:
    • set the agenda for the meetings of the School Management Committee in consultation with the Secretary;
    • chair the meetings of the School Management Committee;
    • provide leadership and ensure the effective action of the School Management Committee in governing the Schools; and
    • ensure School Management Committee matters are handled properly.



  • The Supervisor shall:
    • conduct all correspondence with the Director-General of Education concerning the administration of the Schools;
    • report to the Director-General of Education, by notice in writing, the resignation of any member of the School Management Committee;
    • ensure that the appointment and dismissal of any member of the staff of the Schools shall be determined by a majority vote of all members of the School Management Committee; 
    • adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure for the Appointment of the Principal and the Standard Operating Procedure for the Early Termination of Secondment of Principals who are MOE Education Officers;
    • ensure that no instruction shall be given in the Schools except in accordance with a syllabus approved by the Director-General of Education;
    • inform the Director-General of Education of any change in the duration of the schooling hours;
    • ensure that no subscription or fees shall be collected from students other than fees approved by the Director-General of Education;
    • supervise the Principals in the running of the Schools and ensure that policies, strategic directions and decisions made for the School by the School Management Committee are adhered to; and
    • have the power to delegate part of his duties specified above to other members of the School Management Committee provided that prior approval to that effect has been obtained from the Director-General of Education.



  • The Honorary Treasurer shall:
    • oversee the finances of the School and report to the School Management Committee on key financial events, concerns and his assessment of the fiscal health of the Schools;
    • ensure sound management of the school budget;
    • cause to be kept proper books of account in which shall be shown every item of income and expenditure received and incurred on behalf of the Schools;
    • ensure that all books of account are audited annually by an auditor approved by the Director-General of Education; and
    • submit a copy of audited annual statement of account to the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Social Service on or before the 30th September, in the following year.



  • The Secretary/Principal shall:
    • maintain records relating to the policies, procedures and operations of the School Management Committee and ensure effective management of the School Management Committee’s records;
    • keep and maintain minutes of all proceedings and resolutions passed at meetings of the School Management Committee;
    • circulate minutes to members shortly after each meeting;
    • hold his/her office subject to the terms and conditions as may be determined by the School Management Committee in accordance with the requirements imposed by the Ministry of Education;
    • be responsible for the organization of the curriculum both in and out of the classroom, the recruitment and management of the staff and maintenance of discipline of the students during schooling hours whether on or off school premises;
    • be a signatory of cheques issued by the School;
    • work with the Executive Director to ensure that the operations of the Schools are aligned to the policies and structures of the Autism Association (Singapore) on programme management, financial management and controls, human resource management, maintenance of resources and facilities, etc provided that such policies are also consistent with the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Social Service policies on the same;
    • draw up and present the annual budget of the Schools to the School Management Committee for approval; and
    • submit annual report of the Schools to the School Management Committee at the end of each school year.



  • The Executive Director shall:
    • discharge executive management duties to ensure the operation of the Schools is consistent with policies and structures of Autism Association (Singapore) on programme management, financial management and controls, human resource management, maintenance of resources and facilities, etc provided such policies are also consistent with the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Social Service policies on the same; and
    • work with the Principals on the recruitment and management of staff of the Schools.



  • The School Management Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year and at such time and place as it may determine.
  • At any meeting of the School Management Committee, the presence of one-half of the total number of members of the School Management Committee, which shall include the presence of an Office Bearer, the Supervisor and the Representative from the Ministry of Education, shall form a quorum.
  • The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the School Management Committee and in his absence, the Supervisor shall preside.
  • Every issue before the School Management Committee shall be determined by the majority of the votes of the members present at the meeting of the School Management Committee. In the case of any equality of votes, the presiding person of the meeting of the School Management Committee shall be entitled to a casting vote.



  • Every such constitution when approved by the Director-General of Education shall be binding and shall not be altered or amended without the prior approval in writing of the Director-General of Education.